
Bee a Leader: My adventures in Scouting as a Mom

Okay, I'm a girl scout leader of two awesome groups of young ladies. They are fun and silly and eager to do girl scout things. I have been a girl scout for well over 20 years, I loved it growing up and I still adore the chances I get to do things with my girls. Because this is such a big part of my life, I am going to post about it from time to time. Usually it will be to outline the super cool fun stuff we have done, like going to the zoo or learning how to make our own butter (yeah, I don't want to eat that....)

This however is not a touchy-feely type of post cause...the parents. 

goodness these parents. 

I'm not going in to details, because that would be in horribly poor taste, but during the past year I have had numerous occasions in which parental non-sense has invaded my happiness and made me question my decision to be involved in scouting. So in the interest of helping any of my readers who may one day involve their daughters in this cookie hawking, badge earning, craft making nightmare... let me provide some tips. 

1. If you do not like the way the volunteer leader is doing things, you have a few options. One, offer to help. Pick a thing you feel like you can do and offer to do it. Don't just say, "if you need help call..."
Cause we won't call, we are overwhelmed and don't even know what to ask you to do...and are not sure that even if we could name a task we need help with, that you would be capable/willing/crazy enough to do it. So, decide "I can manage snacks" or "I can make phone calls" or "I will bring you tequila" and do it. The volunteer will be appreciative, especially of the tequila. 
The Second option: Shut up.  
The Third option: Think you can do it better, go ahead and try. 

2. The volunteer leader is not here to be your friend. They are here to do something fun with their child and your children. It is not called "moms' club with crafts", it's Girl Scouts. It works better if everyone gets along but creating a new life-long group of adult girl friends. I am trying to help our daughters learn how to build a fire, make lanyard key chains, enjoy camping and make their own life-long friends and I am not interested in your baby-daddy, mama-drama. I don't care if you want to be best buds, I barely have time to take a shower and you are pretty irritating, lets just be acquaintances, really.


3. I'm going to talk food allergies for a minute. I am. But only from the perspective of someone who has been beaten over the head by a food allergy issue that I had no control over. I actually do understand food allergies, food sensitivities and other food related things. Be aware, I learned how to bake gluten free stuff, and made sure the other parents had a list of safe snacks. Now, that being said, I am NOT responsible for what other parents do, and to be angry at me because someone else didn't think about the allergy before providing a snack; is not fair. Each time the troop provides a snack, it is safe, but that's where my reach ends. Please do not yell, send hate mail or report me to the council because other mothers brought gluten filled death cupcakes.   

4. Please remember that volunteers are busy, unpaid, and human. Give them a break, they are trying. 

1 comment:

Julie said...

Ditto for boy scouts. I've been a volunteer for 16 years and there are so many things that don't change about parents, no matter what is asked, said or replied. Sometimes, no matter what, they just don't get it.
Keep up the good work, they need you, they really do. Try and just ignore the ones that aren't using their heads. They just don't get it. Really!
Take care and God Bless!!

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