
Whole Lotta Drunk, A lot

for serious you guys, drunker than ever last weekend and I realized the reason I don't drink that much, it's because I tend to be a total asshole and verbal vomit (and literal vomit) all over the place.

Friday evening we all gathered at Aimee's house and caravan-ed down to Fredrick-town where the beautiful Patty Creek Farm is located. We got there after dark and the proprietors already had a fire lit. We spent a few hours marveling at the massive number of stars shining over head and then watch a bit of the Breakfast club before everyone decided that it was late and we were tired.

Saturday morning we got up, ate some great breakfast and got started with hanging out in the creek. The creek has a damn built into it and there is a great floating pool supplied with lots of rubber floaty things. We floated around for a few hours, took a trip in town to the country Wal-Mart (awesome) and then floated around for a while longer. Then we went on a hayride and then I started feeling bad, got sick all over the place and made a huge ass of myself with my best friend. It sucked and I don't even remember most of what I said, which makes it worse. I hate that it happened, and I would never have been "that girl" if I hadn't had so much to drink so, moral of this story: I will not be drinking like that ever again, and I hope that Red will be able to forgive me because I hate myself for doing damage to the relationship with my oldest and best friend.

Sunday morning I woke up on the floor of the bathroom feeling slightly sore and queasy but not bad, then we all packed it in and got our buts home, (Way to go Nellie, destroying the damn weekend) Jeeves was sweet to me when I got home, he let me take a nap and then we went over to Mutti's for dinner, which was really good, I usually cook for her these days and it was nice to have a Mom cooked meal like when I was a kid.


Unknown said...

The great thing about best friends is that, even after a fight, there's a make up and life goes on. ((hugs)) I hope this happens with you and Red :)

Laura Belle said...

YA, Getting wasted and making a dork outta yourself is never a good thing. I've done it a few times myself, but my friends always just laugh it off....because they've been there too.

Amanda said...

Yeah, that would be one reason why I don't drink very often, LOL. Well, that and I've allocated all my extra calories to chocolate anymore...

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