
A Day for Father's

Me, Felix, and Dad

I'm an army brat. We lived in Texas, Maryland, and Germany twice. When I was born my Dad made Mutti go to a grocery store on the way home so he could show off his new baby. He was always a Daddy. Dad used to use leave days to go to school field trips with Felix and I. He made beer one summer and let Felix and I help him bottle it, much to Mutti's dismay. He was always good for a few marks (German money) to buy gummy candy from the Imbiss(like a lunch cart) next to the school before walking home. Dad would climb on playground gyms, take us to drive go carts, and he loved candy as much as most kids I know.

I was always a Daddy's girl growing up. Dad made me feel special and loved. Both of my parents have always showed us, and never had to tell us that we were the most important things in their lives. Dad taught me how to fish, change a tire, do an oil change, and expect that a guy would treat me right. I don't see my dad as often as I'd like, we have different schedules and life has a way of getting in the way, but I feel loved and I always have.

I couldn't tell you anything about my childhood that I would change. I had such a happy life, and that is a true testament to my parents, both of them. It isn't easy to make a child feel grounded and safe while moving around the world. But they did it and I only hope that Jeeves and I can create such a happy life for our Munches. Thank you Dad, I love you.

And for Jeeves,
My husband has met and surpassed every expectation I have ever had of him as a father. He works a midnight job so we don't have to put the Munches in day care. He is more than I could have imagined as a co-parent. Every bit a Daddy and as in love with our kids as I am. My girls and I are lucky to have him in our lives and we are grateful for his love and support. Pumpkin is a daddy's girl too, another way she and I are the same. She crawls up into his lap and puts her face next to his and says, "Daddy, you're my sweetest" His babies love him, he's a good daddy. I hope his day is awesome. We are letting him sleep in and then taking him out for lunch at a family favorite restaurant.

I hope all the fathers out there have a lovely relaxing day.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

happy fathers day to you and yours my dear!

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