
New Year, Same Old Me

I don't mind being the same old me, after all there are a few people who like that girl. She is sarcastic, a good cook and a constant wreck, which i guess means she is pretty real.

This week I am clearing out my cabinets, working on getting the house in order and setting up a craft area for my girls where they can store the massive haul of mess making supplies they received this holiday season.

Jammer is starting to sleep mostly through the night, and I've decided that 4 ounces of formula before bed is an acceptable concession to the breastfeeding especially if it equals six hours of solid sleep.

Doodle drew on my wall with a blue crayon yesterday and while i was scrubbing it off I realized we desperately need to paint our walls, spring 2014 project? Maybe, we'll see.

Sunshine is counting the days till she gets to go back to school, she loves being there and I am going to encourage that for as long as I can.

Pumpkin has finally stopped pulling out her own eyelashes and so sometime in February I will be taking her to the build a bear store to make a new friend. We finally found things that motivate her. Build a bear and the WiiU, go figure.

I'm back to logging food and dismayed at how out of practice I have gotten at making good decisions on the fly. Soup lunches are on the docket for the remainder of the winter, that and skinny lattes should get me through to April and hopefully a successful run in my leg of the marathon.

Alright, I've got crap to do, hope you all had fun Tuesday, avoided hangovers Wednesday and are starting your new off with some good times.

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