
50 Days Folks...

Quick Update Post.

Friday: was my Birthday. Mutti took the munches out of town to visit my grandparents and Jeeves and I went out for dinner and then headed back home as the weather got bad and we didn't want to be out in the icy craziness. I was in bed by 10pm (bliss)

Saturday: I woke up at 9 am, fell down my front stairs doing a graceful and unintentional side split and injuring my adductor tendon.(the one that connects the adductor muscles from your leg to your torso.) It didn't hurt right away so we went out to lunch at Fast Eddie's which was about 45 mintues away in the car. When we arrived it hurt to the point of tears to walk. So after a long and lovely lunch with lots of friends and talk about babies, we headed home. More crying and limping in the parking lot. Then we had plans to go to a concert, however that didn't happen; we got into our jammies, ordered pizza, took some tylenol, applied a cold pack to the injury (Whoa, that is Fri-gid) and watched tv until 9:30 and went to bed (more bliss)

Sunday: Got up early, turns out I can actually catch up on sleep, go figure. I worked on baby crafts all day while sitting with the cold pack on my inner thigh, (more chilly lady bits, brrrr) and watching more TV. Then the girls came home and Mutti took me grocery shopping so we wouldn't starve for the next few days.

All in all it was a good weekend, I got to spend lots of time with my husband, without my kids, which is rare and was lovely. I'll have more tomorrow, I'm really busy today.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend.


safire said...

Happy Birthday fellow January baby :)

Sounds like you had a fun weekend~

Amanda said...

Ouch -- I hope the leg gets better soon! Otherwise, sounds like an awesome weekend :D

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday! I'm glad you had some time away from the babes for a bit to rest, relax, injure yourself, and recover a little from your injury :) Heal quickly and have a beautiful week!

Losing It said...

Happy Belated Birthday! How is the pain today?

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