
Figgy Pudding

It's Week 11!

Two more weeks of first trimester. The baby is about the size of a fig this week. For those of you who have only ever known the word fig as it pertains to a newton, it's a nutirent rich food that is called a fruit but actually is not. 

They look like geodes
Figs are high in calcium, potassium and fiber. Commercially they are available dried or in jam preparations because the fresh fruits themselves do not keep or travel well. Dried figs are rather well known here in the US and are used in baking and cooking. Oh, and they are yummy. They lend well to baked goods and desserts but are not too sweet. I'm now in the mood to make bread with figs and dates. mmmmmmmm

Sorry about my rant yesterday, I was feeling ugly and bloated. But, I'm better today. My SIL (over at Vavoom Vintage) gave me some awesome corduroy maternity pants and I'm feeling pretty cute today. I tell you what, when you are feeling sorry for yourself, there's nothing quite like a great guy who loves you to convince you otherwise (thanks Jeeves!)

So last night the munches and I watched veggie tales and Disney movies and I crocheted. I am making a blanket for the hospital for the baby and I as well as a blanket just for the baby, and a sweater and hat set. I've picked some pretty, gender neutral colors that will be good for a boy or a girl.Plus I can get the base done and add some embellishments when I find out what we are expecting.

I've gained another pound, that's about 3 now. Of course, to look at me you'd think it was way more. I'm trying to watch my intake but it's been pretty dismal. I've got to turn this around and get out of the attitude of eating whatever because I'm pregnant. Jeeves even commented about it last night, which means it's gotten out of hand. I'm easing into workouts again. It's slow going but I'm afraid to hurt myself now, so I figure slow is better than nothing. I've been walking my 5K's at the gym and doing modified ab work on the ball to avoid hurting my back. 

Oh! and some big news, better posture helps with the sciatica, when I suck in my gut all day I have less pain and numbness a the end of the day. I'm going to mention this to the doc at my next appointment and ask if there is a support I can use to help my posture and hold the baby up when I get super preg.

That's all for today. I'm cooking and crocheting tonight, probably going for a walk with the munches. I'm loving the weather this week, warm and nice. Such a change from the heat wave.


Stephanie said...

I'm sorry you had a bad day yesterday. *Hugs* I'm going to try doing that for my sciatica too. My weight has really started to aggravate it and the pain is awful. :( One more reason I've got to get this weight off once and for all.

Julie said...

I had terrible back problems while PG with Mike. More so at the end but he was also 12 lbs and 2' long so a big baby. I did however just gain 10 for my whole preganacy which helped some.
I love these updates. Take care nad have a blessed evening.

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