

I'm feeling disconnected from the blog world this week. I'm busy, and not commenting, and not getting comments, feeling like I'm sitting in a corner, blogging to myself. (Gah! I'm such a girl, needy and dumb, just ignore me.) Everything feels off, I even know what's going on and still feel kind of powerless and grumpy about the whole situation.

I have had stupid crazy hours and work to do this week. I keep telling myself I'm going to get my shit together and get into a routine of manageable workload days, but then I don't and I make myself crazy trying to fit too much crap into too little time. I'm heading in at 5 am tomorrow. I was in at 6 am this morning. I'm working from 5 until 9 and then working from home the rest of the day. Friday will be a more normal 9-5ish day, but yikers this has been the week from hell

I have been sleeping poorly and have a sore neck and upper back. I can't seem to figure out what the issue is and so for three days in a row I've been in pain, downing naproxen like nobodies business and doing every yoga pose I know of to help loosen the knot. I'm continuing with the pillow remodels to see if I can find one that works.

I've increased my intervals this week and I'm running for 2 minutes and then jogging for 3. My hips and upper thighs are very tight, I can feel the run and it feels pretty great, but I'm irritated that my workouts this week have been high jacked because Jeeves got a job. Not his fault, just life, still sucks.

Not that I'm complaining. I'm so happy he found this position, it's a good fit for us right now. Plus, he is going to do exceptionally well at it. His shifts are going to start and end a little earlier which will allow for a better sleeping situation for him.

In an effort to create order and possibly help the rest of my life fall into a more manageable array I have been cleaning. All of the laundry is clean and folded and put away in my house and my kitchen has been clean for three days. I have been doing the dishes before sitting down to do other things. It seems to be working and today Mutti came home over for dinner and I just grabbed stuff out of the fridge and cooked. No pre-cleaning or counter clearing at all, pretty cool.

Okay, so, it's late, the munches need some sleep and I'm tired of being alert, so bis dann.


Amanda said...

I know how you feel. I felt like that right after I got sick. I wasn't blogging, commenting, or being commented on. I felt like the 3rd wheel. But then I felt better!

So hiya Ninja!

I really try and clean my kitchen right after dinner, I try to make my bed daily, and I like my dining room table clear...my dining room table is covered right now. But I'll get around to it. Chin up fabulous runner. I am scared to run. I've said it twice today now. But I want to. I'm afraid I will slip on the treadmill and knock out my front teeth.

Losing It said...

It's going around the blogworld. People just being away from the computer in general.

Boy can I relate to you on the neck pain. I battled something wrong in the neck / shoulder area for almost 3 weeks. It came on suddenly one night and no matter how much I stretched or medicated, how many pillows I bought, it didn't help. One morning I woke up and I didn't need to roll out of bed anymore. It was fabulous.

Glad to hear Jeeves got a job. Hope you guys have an easy transition :)

Dr. Fat To Fit said...

I know exactly how you feel with the chaos that is the life of a working mommy. Some days I just feel like everything moves way too fast. But, on the bright side, our lives are sooooooo FULL of life. And the healthier we get the better equipped we are to handle what comes our way! You're doing awesome!

Julie said...

I tried to e-mail you last night but it came back to me. Here's what I wrote about your comment on my blog:
I love that. I had something like that one year with Mike and that was the year he except Christ as his savior.
Love it my friend. Great idea and what better way to end the day but with you kiddo's and Jesus.
I hope you can fine time for you. Working so much is so hard on you. I'm glad you're getting some exercise time in mainly just so you can have your own quiet time.
Take care my friend, this weekend find a little time to just to relax and enjoy. God Bless!!

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