
Over The Hill

I weighed in this morning to surprising results.


I have lost 50 pounds, I have 22 pounds left to lose before I hit my goal of 160 pounds. 160 is still about 6 pounds higher than the highest BMI in my normal range. But I've been 160 before, and I looked good, and if this is about me then I feel like I should be the one to decide when I'm done losing weight and what feels right for me.

I did the long workout last night, 1 hour in the gym with the biggest loser exercises and a few others, and 30 minutes of 3/1 intervals in the elliptical. Today I am sore but I have more energy and clarity of mind that makes me feel much better.  I know the real pain is coming, I can feel it in my arms and lower abs. But I feel the burn and that makes it pain for a reason.

I looked in the mirror today and was surprised by how much thinner my midsection looks than it used to. Before stepping on that scale last May, I used to stand in the mirror and suck in my stomach and fool myself that I really didn't look as big as the pictures said I did. I would do my hair real nice and wear flowing black clothes and think, sure, I'm overweight, but I'm not that big. I was a size 20 in February of last year. 232 pounds and getting bigger. I was that big.

I was that big, but not now, and not again. 


Amanda said...

and you look good and have been working hard to prove it! I'd give ya a high five...I'm proud of your hard work!

Julie said...

We are so close in size and poundage. It's fun to read your blog and your words. Thank you for sharing your life and your journey. Thanks also for stopping by. Take care and have a blessed afternoon.

Hally Bell said...

So so so proud!

Losing It said...

Yes! Grats on hitting 182.

It seems like yesterday you busted through under 200. Keep it up girlie!

Jacqui said...

You are doing an amazing job!!

Jennifer said...

Ninja, that is an awesome accomplishment! Keep going girl!

the strawberry said...

Congrats on being so close!! Knowing the end is near has got to be a great motivator! I agree that you should stop when you're happy with your body IF you're healthy there. And at 160?? Can't wait to see your AFTER photo!!

Bethanny said...

My midsection looks like I am smuggling a years supply of Hostess. I hate it!

Polar's Mom said...

50 lbs-hell yeah! Great job!! I'm 14 pounds to 161 (my technical goal), but I'm aiming for closer to 145 (my end goal)...let's get this done!!

Polar's Mom

Patrick said...

A thinner looking mid section is always a great reason to smile!

Keep on making it happen and making us all smile with posts like this!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! I am SOOOO stinking proud of you!!! Keep it up! :)

Rhonda said...

You rock! Keep doing what you're doing - it's obviously working!

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