
Frump-town USA

You know who lives there?

This guy
(can you see the big water stain on the front of my shirt? I was washing my hands and the sink decided to suddenly get more water pressure, whoo-pee, now I'm ugly and soaking wet, great...)

It has come to my attention that I do not own enough attractive clothes in my current size. When did my wardrobe devolve into this grannie inspired, sweater filled, frumpy nightmare? Un. Cool.

I worked out yesterday but my heart wasn't in it because I didnt have my IPOD and I work out best with great music. So I'm heading back today (avec tunage) for some more gym time. I am still feeling kind of bloated but the scale is not reflecting any water weight gain so maybe the oceans of water I've been downing have paid off.

Hope everyone else is having a better day, I'll just be sitting here damp and frumpy, waiting for some fashion cop to cite me for unessesary un-attractiveness.


Allan said...

Did the book I ordered come in from the other branch ?

The Ninja said...

Ha, Ha, Ha, Yes I do have a very librarian-esque style these days.

Allan said...

It is much better than the lesbian chic on the sidebar above the husbands happy face..

The Ninja said...

Wow, does that picture of me really look lesbain? What the frack?

Brittany_Va-VoomVintage said...

aww, don't beat yourself up, you're beautiful! You want to go clothes shopping later this week?

The Ninja said...

Brit - You are so sweet, thank you very much. I would love to clothes shop but I need to wait, most of my extra cash went to buying the things I needed for christmas gifts, fleece and yarn. Maybe after the next payday?

Brittany_Va-VoomVintage said...

Yes! Just call me when you're ready. In the mean time, I found this tutorial a few minutes ago and it made me think of you....http://blog.caseybrowndesigns.com/2009/12/how-to-refashion-a-cardigan/

Call me Ishmael said...

Hah, so funny! You look great -- like a fun mom who could wear anything! But hey..you could always get someone to nominate you for "What Not to Wear." I'd love to do that once I lose some more weight.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I could have posted this. LOL I hate shopping. I mean I really HATE shopping. A couple of weeks ago though, I had to break down and buy some new clothes because I had sewn and mended mine so many times, they were looking quite pititful. LOL

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