
Stay Puffed

Today I feel rather like that marshmallow dude from the ghost busters movie. And since its going to be 103 degrees outside I might just melt. I went out with the hubs for his birthday last night and had four drinks, which was not bad we were out for around 6 hours so that's less than a drink an hour, but today I feel dried out and swollen. I am chugging water and have planned an ambitious workout for this afternoon that I hope will kill the bloat and the funk that I seem to have slipped into.

For the first time in months work has overwhelmed me. It's not more than I can do it just requires a level of concentration that my overly tired ADD brain just can't handle. I am looking forward to getting health insurance because I am worried that my thyroid is getting whacked again. I am overheated and tired, which could just as easily be a result of living in a heatwave but I am worried and don't want to go long without treatment. Can't post much more today, feeling like even putting together coherent sentences is too taxing. If i didn't have a meeting at 3:30 this afternoon I would go home and nap for the rest of the day.


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