Ladies and Gents,
breathe deep....
It's decorative gourd season
It's chilly night season
It's harvest flavored coffee season
It's Chili season
It's extra layer season
It's falling leaves
It's apple picking
It's Pumpkin Patches
and costumes
and dark mornings
and boots
and candy
and all of my favorite things.
It's October and I'm in love with October.
So enjoy the fall while it lasts, wherever you are.
I miss writing and hope to rediscover my muse, but she remains sleepy and uninspired.
Jammer turned 1 on Monday and as I reflect on the last year I am reminded that even in the face of crazy life non-sense I can find countless moments of joy and the ever present peace of god's love for me. I am a blessed woman and I am happy.
Type Soon....I promise.